I can't believe my little girl K is going to be 5 tomorrow! We've been very busy around here preparing for her Birthday, there has been lots of present wrapping, baking and getting her special Birthday poems ready to be read by candlelight tonight before she falls asleep.
Her relatives have been very generous in asking us what she would like for her birthday and we decided to have a bit of a theme this year and set her up a family games cupboard of Co-operative games. My twin sister mentioned to me last year that I should get her some games and then I forgot about it...then I visited Miri from Here We Are Together and she said how much Emi loved to play board games so I decided it would be perfect for her Five Birthday (as K calls it) We have chosen The Orchard, Animal Upon Animal, Lucky Sock Dip which are all by Haba. We also chose Princess and Max, again I think made in Germany which I know she is going to love. Co-operative games are great for getting children to work together and to listen to one another and are good for teaching decision making, logic and creative thinking.
Her Aunty and Uncle from Austrailia have given her this which will be very cute for zooming her doll house dollies around in. One of my sisters has also got her some wooden beads to make her own necklaces from which will be a lovely craft actvity for her to do. Thank you everyone for her lovely gifts! I can't wait to see her face when she opens her presents.
My husband and I decided to give her some art materials because she loves drawing so much, so we got her this, this and this, all from Myraid.
I hope to get a moment to get back to you tomorrow with the poems we will be reading to her tonight, which are especially for the evening before a Birthday.