(our garden fruit nets)
Our fruit nets are falling down! Not only are they getting old, but when we get snow fall during the winter months it sits on top of the nets weighing them down. Over a number of years this has weakened the poles and now they're collasping. They house raspberry bushes, strawberries, redcurrents, blackcurrents and gooseberries. We've decided not to replace them, but remove the nets altogether, dig up some of the fruit bushes (but keeping enough for jam making & baking) and use the area for raised vegetable beds for the children. We're so excited!
This is going to be a big job, but we're looking forward to becoming even more self sufficient for our fresh fruit,vegetables and salad during the summer months. The children will be really involved in growing their own produce, in their very own vegetable beds. The girls enjoy sowing seeds, caring for their own plants and looking out for harvest time.
After seeing this Gardeners' World video about building rasied beds, we hope to make our own and are looking at sourcing untreated scaffolding planks to build them with. I'll keep you updated with our new project.