(Summer's arrived)
For the past couple of weeks I've been overhauling our home again for the sake of simplicity. This simplicity journey is strange for me, the need to purge stuff from of our home seems to have come in fits and bursts over the past two years, perhaps longer. I've always been heading in the same direction though, towards less. I feel like I'm on the final straight, in touching distant of having only things which are truly used and needed in our home. In the thick of it, decluttering can be all consuming, constantly assessing objects as I walk into different rooms, pulling open cupboards and drawers. I'm going through, quite literally, each and every object and stripping away more and more. A lot of stuff is going. Our home is becoming minimalist and with every object which goes out of the door, I can feel a lightening and a sense of order and calmness. I can't wait to start organising (the few) things we have left and making new pretty spaces. Wish me luck!