I've been meaning to read this book for a while now after my mother mentioned she had read an article about it and she thought I would like it. She was right! It is a remarkable book that can be used as a guide to help us raise healthy, happy children by using different techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness in our everyday lives.
10 Mindful Minutes shocked me. From the little bits I had read about meditation I knew that deep breathing was beneficial to health and the mind and can be used as a way of reducing stress and anxiety, but I didn't realise quite how important taking those deep, calming, breaths was until I read this book.
There's lots of detailed research referenced in 10 Mindful Minutes about the impact stress and anxiety is having on children and their brains and what we can do as parents to help them cope with modern day living. We can help children from becoming overwhelmed, stressed and overstimulated by using simple techniques such a mindful breathing and thinking. We can make simple lifestyle changes such as reducing the amount of technology children use for the sake of their mental health and emotional fitness.
10 mindful minutes shows you how you can help teach your child empathy and gratitude, how to help a child deal with sadness and anger and the importance of kindness.
I have already told my children that if they have an upset in the playground to take three deep breaths to help calm themselves. It's only the smallest of baby steps, but it's a start to show them how they can take control of their own emotional state. I realise how important the quiet, calm time is in our home when they have finished their school day to rest their body and mind.
I'm sure I will return to this book time and time again, it seems so important to understand why adults and children react and behave the way we do and positive changes we can make for our emotional health and happiness.
It's among my staple reads now, sitting along side Simplicity Parenting, Hold on to your Kids, Mitten strings for God and Buddhism for Mothers. I wrote about Buddhism for Mothers here.